Inilah Cara Alami Mengatasi Sakit Gigi Sakit Gigi merupakan
salah satu jenis penyakit yang tidak dapat terlihat secara fisik,
tetapi bagi orang yang menderitanya akan merasakan rasa sakit yang amat
ngilu. Sakit gigi biasanya dapat terjadi dikarenakan oleh beberapa sebab
seperti halnya gigi berlubang, terlalu banyak mengkonsumsi permen, gusi
yang terinfeksi, tidak menjaga kesehatan gigi sehingga menyebabkan
berkumpulnya bakteri, atau masih banyak hal lagi yang dapat menyebabkan
rasa nyeri pada gigi kita.
Kali ini kami akan mengulas mengenai Cara Mengobati Sakit Gigi Secara Alami. Cara ini tentunya lebih baik ketimbang anda menggunakan Obat sakit Gigi berbahan kimia. Cara alami selain efektif juga tergolong sangat aman untuk kesehatan badan kita ( tanpa effect samping).
Berikut adalah cara-cara yang bisa anda lakukan untuk mengobati sakit gigi anda :
Siapa yang tidak kenal dengan tumbuhan herbal yang satu ini, tumbuhan yang sudah sangat mengakar dengan sifat kemedisannya ini, ternyata juga bisa anda gunakan untuk mengobati sakit gigi secara alami. Adapun caranya adalah : siapkan kunyit secukupnya kemudian bakar kunyit ke dalam bara api. Setelah kunyit dibakar, tumbuk kunyit sampai halus/ hancur. Nah bubuk inilah yang nantinya dapat anda gunakan untuk bedak gigi (obat gigi secara alami).
Bawang putih
Hmmm bawang putih, bisa gak yahh? Mungkin anda bertanya-tanya apakah bisa bawang putih untuk mengobati gigi ? Padahal yang kita tahu bahwa bawang putih merupakan salah satu bumbu dapur, tetapi selain berguna untuk bumbu dapur bawang putih juga kaya akan manfaat yang baik untuk kesehatan, dan salah satunya adalah bermanfaat untuk mengobati sakit gigi.
Adapun cara penggunaannya adalah sebagai berikut : siapkan bawang putih satu siung, kemudian kupas dan buang kulitnya, langkah selanjutnya tumbuk bawang putih sampai hancur dan tambahkan sedikit kacang. Lalu oleskan kepermukaan gigi yang sakit.
Lada atau Merica
Cara pengobatanya : siapkan sekitar 1 sendok teh lada bubuk serta siapkan juga sedikit garam dapur. Campurkan kedua bahan tadi, lalu masukkan campuran mrica dan garam ke gigi yang terasa sakit/ gigi yang berlubang.
Asafetida merupakan salah satu bahan pembunuh rasa sakit paling mujarab. Adapun cara penyembuhan menggunakan Asafetida adalah sebagai berikut : siapkan sekitar setengah sendok makan Asafetida lalu anda campur asafetida dengan air lemon setengah sendok makan juga. Gunakan ramuan ini untuk mengobati sakit gigi anda.
Cara pembuatan obatnya : siapkan sekitar 5 gram peppermint, lalu rebus peppermint dengan air sekitar satu cangkir, kemudian tambahkan sedikit garam. Biarkan hingga mendidih, setelah mendidih angkat dan diamkan dulu agar tidak panas. Minum ramuan ini 2 x dalam sehari.
Cara pengobatannya : siapakan beberapa lembar daun bayam yang masih segar lalu kunyah daun tersebut. Hal ini bisa membantu anda untuk memperkuat gusi, sehingga anda tidak sering terkena sakit gigi.
Es Batu
Es batu dapat membuat bagian tubuh mati rasa, sehingga bermanfaat baik untuk mematikan rasa sakit pada gigi. Cara pengobatan menggunakan es batu : siapkan es batu kemudian gosokkan ke bagian gigi yang sakit selama beberapa detik atau menit.
Buah mentimun mungkin terkenal akan manfaatnya untuk kulit, namun siapa sangka bahwa buah ini juga bermanfaat baik untuk mengobati gigi anda. Adapun cara pembuatan obatnya adalah sebagai berikut : siapkan buah mentimun lalu potong-potong kecil dan masukan ke bagian gigi yang berlubang/ gigi sakit.
Itulah sedikit refrensi mengenai sakit
gigi, penyebab sakit gigi dan bagai mana cara mengobati sakit gigi
secara alami semoga bermanfaat bagi kita semua.
Here's How to Overcome Natural ToothacheToothache (insutrasi) is one type of disease that can not be seen physically, but for those who have it will feel a sharp pain pain. Toothache usually can occur due to several causes such as dental cavities, eating too much candy, gum infection, oral hygiene is not causing bacteria gathering, or there are many more things that can cause pain in our teeth.
This time we will review about How to Treat Toothache Naturally. This way you are certainly better than using chemical based pain medications Dentistry. Natural way than effective also as very safe for the health of our bodies (without side effects).Here are the ways you can do to treat your toothache:TurmericWho is not familiar with this one herb plants, plants that are deeply rooted in the nature of this kemedisannya, it can also be used to treat toothache naturally. The way is: prepare turmeric turmeric to taste then roasted in the coals. Having burnt turmeric, saffron mash until smooth / destroyed. Well this is the powder that you can later use for tooth powder (medicine natural teeth).
GarlicHmmm garlic, can not yahh? Maybe you are wondering if it could be garlic to treat your teeth? Yet we know that garlic is one of the herbs, but in addition useful for garlic herbs are also rich in good stead for health, and one of them is useful for treating toothaches.As for how to use is as follows: prepare a clove of garlic, then peel and discard the skin, the next step garlic mashed to pieces and add a little nuts. Then rub the sore tooth surface.Pepper or pepperPengobatanya way: prepare approximately 1 teaspoon pepper powder and prepare too little salt. Combine the two ingredients above, and enter Mrica mixture and salt to a painful tooth / teeth are hollow.AsafetidaAsafetida is one of the materials most effective pain killers. As for how to cure using Asafetida is as follows: prepare about half a tablespoon Asafetida then you asafetida mixed with half a tablespoon of lemon juice as well. Use this herb to treat your toothache.PeppermintHow to manufacture a cure: prepare about 5 grams of peppermint, peppermint and boil with about a cup of water, then add a little salt. Allow to boil, once boiling remove and allow unit to no heat. Drink this concoction 2x a day.SpinachMethod of treatment: spends a few pieces of fresh spinach leaves and then chew the leaves. This can help you to strengthen the gums, so that you do not often exposed toothache.Ice cubeIce cubes can be made part of the body numb, making it useful both to numb the pain in the teeth. How to treatment using ice cubes: prepare ice cubes then rub into the sore tooth for a few seconds or minutes.CucumberMaybe cucumber known for its benefits for the skin, but who would have thought that this fruit is also beneficial both to treat your teeth. As a way of making the medicine are as follows: to prepare the cucumber and cut into small pieces and input into the hollow part of the tooth / teeth pain.That bit of references regarding toothache, tooth pain causes and how where how to cure toothache naturally may be useful for us all.
Here's How to Overcome Natural ToothacheToothache (insutrasi) is one type of disease that can not be seen physically, but for those who have it will feel a sharp pain pain. Toothache usually can occur due to several causes such as dental cavities, eating too much candy, gum infection, oral hygiene is not causing bacteria gathering, or there are many more things that can cause pain in our teeth.
This time we will review about How to Treat Toothache Naturally. This way you are certainly better than using chemical based pain medications Dentistry. Natural way than effective also as very safe for the health of our bodies (without side effects).Here are the ways you can do to treat your toothache:TurmericWho is not familiar with this one herb plants, plants that are deeply rooted in the nature of this kemedisannya, it can also be used to treat toothache naturally. The way is: prepare turmeric turmeric to taste then roasted in the coals. Having burnt turmeric, saffron mash until smooth / destroyed. Well this is the powder that you can later use for tooth powder (medicine natural teeth).
GarlicHmmm garlic, can not yahh? Maybe you are wondering if it could be garlic to treat your teeth? Yet we know that garlic is one of the herbs, but in addition useful for garlic herbs are also rich in good stead for health, and one of them is useful for treating toothaches.As for how to use is as follows: prepare a clove of garlic, then peel and discard the skin, the next step garlic mashed to pieces and add a little nuts. Then rub the sore tooth surface.Pepper or pepperPengobatanya way: prepare approximately 1 teaspoon pepper powder and prepare too little salt. Combine the two ingredients above, and enter Mrica mixture and salt to a painful tooth / teeth are hollow.AsafetidaAsafetida is one of the materials most effective pain killers. As for how to cure using Asafetida is as follows: prepare about half a tablespoon Asafetida then you asafetida mixed with half a tablespoon of lemon juice as well. Use this herb to treat your toothache.PeppermintHow to manufacture a cure: prepare about 5 grams of peppermint, peppermint and boil with about a cup of water, then add a little salt. Allow to boil, once boiling remove and allow unit to no heat. Drink this concoction 2x a day.SpinachMethod of treatment: spends a few pieces of fresh spinach leaves and then chew the leaves. This can help you to strengthen the gums, so that you do not often exposed toothache.Ice cubeIce cubes can be made part of the body numb, making it useful both to numb the pain in the teeth. How to treatment using ice cubes: prepare ice cubes then rub into the sore tooth for a few seconds or minutes.CucumberMaybe cucumber known for its benefits for the skin, but who would have thought that this fruit is also beneficial both to treat your teeth. As a way of making the medicine are as follows: to prepare the cucumber and cut into small pieces and input into the hollow part of the tooth / teeth pain.That bit of references regarding toothache, tooth pain causes and how where how to cure toothache naturally may be useful for us all.
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