Mitos Pendakian Gunung Slamet


Mitos Pendakian Gunung Slamet

Mitos pendakian Gunung Slamet menurut ceritane wong tua, pancen mandan Gunung Slamet sejen/beda karo gunung-gunung liyane nang tlatah Jawa. Gunung Slamet pancen dudu gunung sing biasa didaki mung kanggo tujuan wisata/rekreasi, hobi utawa mung sekedar pengin naklukaken. Pendakian neng puncak Gunung Slamet biasane kanggo tujuan-tujuan khusus umpamane merga ana alesan spiritual, mulane pendaki-pendaki kudu nglengkapi syarat-syarate ndisit.

Syarat karo Pantangan Pendaki kudu nggawa kembang, Kemenyan, karo kudu ana Juru Kunci sing njujugna. Sok-sokan pancen ana pendaki sing ora nggawa syarat-syarat kuwe ningen asal tingkaeh ora kebangeten, dheweke bisa slamet paling-paling pendaki kuwe ngalami utawa ndeleng kedaden-kedaden sing mandan aneh, ning ora mbahayani jiwane.

Kesaksian Nyata

Aku andre wong margadana mbiyen ora tahu manjat gunung eh gon manjat gunung slamet gara2 ngomong enak adem ayem ning punyak yah ning kene terus tah ora pa2 eh malah balike di sasarna kuntilanak sunk,.. tapi aku baca alfateha terus lah ka weruhe anjog dewek ati2 ngucap ning gunung slamet

Pantangan sing paling penting tur kudu dieling-eling jan aja nganti dilanggar kuwe cawaran utawi aja nylemong sekarepe dewek.

Juru Kunci

Ana papat wong sing dipercaya ning sekitar kawasan lereng gunung Slamet. sing pertama Warsito sekang desa Sirameng sing ngewarisi sekang buyute: Nini Manten Sarak, juru kunci wadon ning jaman Belanda. Nini Manten Sarak mau keturunan pertama juru kunci sekang desa Siremeng.

Juru kunci keloro Sumedi, keturunan Mbah Naprawi, juru kunci sekang Bambangan.

Ketelu, Warjono, sekang Jurangmangu, Kecamatan Pulosari, Kabupaten Pemalang.

Terakhir jenenge Karsad sekang Dukuh Liwung, Guci, Tegal.

Para pendaki sing lewat salah siji sekang patang juru kunci mau bisa dipastikna bakal aman. Soale munggah Gunung Slamet beda karo munggah gunung-gunung liyane. Aturanne para pendaki kudu diterna neng juru kunci. Mergane juru kunci mau wong-wong sing terpilih lan mereka kudu nglengkapi syarat sing ora bisa dibantah, yakuwe kudu wong sing nduweni garis keturunan dina kelairan Setu Wage.

Pantangan Liyane

Saliyane ora olih sembarang ngucap, pantangan liyan sing kudu dipatuhi kuwe pendaki ore olih mesum karo ora olih nyekel dengkul. Pantangan kaping loro bisa dianggepe wajar sebabe ora mung nang Gunung Slamet, nang ngendi bae ding dianggep keramat, wong sing teka ora olih mesum. Tapine pantangan sing terakhir kiye mandan ora mlebu nang akal. Tapi ya kaya kuwe pantangane, pendaki sing nyekeli dengkul pas manjat dianggepe wong-wong ora bakalan tekan puncak.

Dina Pantangan

kejaba kuwe,ana dina-dina tertentu sing ora olih dinggo ndaki. maksude, nang dina-dina kuwe pendaki ora olih babar blas munggah gunung Slamet. aja maning pendaki, juru kunci bae ora wani munggah nang dina-dina larangan. Dina-dinane yakuwe: Minggu Legi, Slasa Legi, Setu Paing, Minggu Paing. Kejaba dina kuwe, juru kunci pasti seneng banget nganter pendaki.

Sing ndadekna beda Gunung Slamet kuwe bahwa pendaki sebenere kudu ngagawa kembang lan kemenyan. Maksude kanggo sesajen marang sing mbaureksa gunung Slamet. Sebenere Gunung Slamet dudu kanggo refresing atawa nyalurna hobby tok. Nanging luwih saka kuwe gunung Slamet sebenare kaya panggonan sing kanggo wong memohon supaya kekarepane dikabulna. Hal kuwe dibuktekna anane syukuran warga masyarakat sekitar saben tanggal siji sura(1 Muharam). Syukuran kuwe awujud tumpeng kendit, diarani ngono soale tumpeng kuwe digawe saka beras abang sing tujukna kanggo para leluhur nang Gunung Slamet.


Myth ascent of Mount Slamet

Myth ascent of Mount Slamet By the old story, I rather Mount Slamet else / different to the other mountains in the area. Mount Slamet is not the mountain that regular didaki only for travel / recreational, hobby or just simply want to naklukaken. Climbing to the top of Mount Slamet is usually for a specific purpose, for example, because no spiritual reason, so climbers, climbers must complete terms first.

Terms of abstinence climbers must bring flowers, incense, with no need to lock the Juru njujugna. Sometimes sokan exists climbers that will not affect the terms of it ningen home tingkaeh not kebangeten, he survived most experienced climbers or see it occur, occur rather strange that, in the not mbahayani Jiwan.Testimony Real
Andre and I do not know MARGADANA before manjat mountain uh Gon manjat mountain gara2 survivors say enak Coldplay ayem Well mine in here and not pa2 eh tah be back in goal kuntilanak sunk, .. I read alfateha and behold Ka saw leading into ati2 say he survived in the mountains
Prohibition of the most important and must dieling Jan-consciousness do not hit it until cawaran or do nylemong sekarepe he.Juru lock
There are four people you trust about the region downhill mountain blessing. The first Warsito from the village Sirameng ngewarisi from buyute: Nini Marriage deviate, juru the women in the Netherlands. Nini Marriage deviate juru the first-born from the village Siremeng.
Juru Sumedi the second one, blue Granny Naprawi, juru lock from Bambangan.
Parties, Warjono, from Jurangmangu, pulosari District, District Pemalang town.
Last name Karsad from the village Liwung, jars, Gamecube.
The climbers are through from one of the four key juru dipastikna can be secured. Because the Mount Slamet different with the other mountains. Aturanne the climber must diterna juru the lock. Because juru lock the people they were elected and must complete the requirements can not be dibantah, is the person who must have the lineage Birth day Saturday Wage.Other restrictions
In addition to not received any say, abstinence people who have it dipatuhi climbers Unravel received not received a horny holding knees. The two restrictions can be considered reasonable why not only the Mount Slamet, in which I considered keramat ding, people come not received horny. Tapine restrictions that are rather it might not go. But I like abstinence, climbers are holding manjat its knees when they will be the turning point.Today abstinence
unless it was certain days that are not received dinggo no. someone, in the last days, it is not received climbers totally hiking blessing. Do climber else, I do not juru lock up a brave days interdiction. Today is the day: Sundays sweet, sweet Slasa, Paing Saturday, Sunday Paing. Except it today, juru lock nganter sure avid climbers.
The different ndadekna Mount Slamet it clear that climbers must ngagawa flowers and incense. Someone offering to the mountain that mbaureksa blessing. Mount Slamet is not clear to refresing or nyalurna hobbies tok. But more than it actually like mountain Bless place for people to be willing memohon dikabulna. Hal it dibuktekna the thanksgiving a national community around each one of the Sura (1 Muharam). Thanksgiving it a girdle cone, cone called this case because it is made from red rice that tujukna to his ancestors in Mount Slamet.

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