Quick Count Pilgub Jateng 2013

Hasil Akhir Quick Count Pilgub Jateng 2013

Berbagai lembaga survei yang menggelar quick count Pilgub Jateng 2013 telah menuntaskan perhitungannya, Ahad (26/5) sore tadi. Hasil akhir dari berbagai lembaga survei itu menempatkan Ganjar Pranowo – Heru Sudjatmiko sebagai pemenang Pilgub Jateng dengan perolehan lebih dari 40 persen.

Berikut ini data lengkap hasil akhir quick count Pilgub Jabar 2013 dari 4 lembaga survei (Indo Barometer, SMRC, JSI dan LSI):

Hasil Quick Count Pilgub Jateng 2013 – Indo Barometer
1. Hadi Prabowo - Don Murdono (HP-Don) : 21,2%
2. Bibit Waluyo - Sudijono Sastro Atmojo (Bissa) : 31,6%
3. Ganjar Pranowo - Heru Sudjatmiko (Gagah) : 47,2%
--- keterangan : hasil akhir dari 100% TPS sampel

Hasil Quick Count Pilgub Jateng 2013 - Saifulmujani Research and Consulting (SMRC)
1. Hadi Prabowo - Don Murdono (HP-Don) : 19,92%
2. Bibit Waluyo - Sudijono Sastro Atmojo (Bissa) : 30,2%
3. Ganjar Pranowo - Heru Sudjatmiko (Gagah) : 48,7%
--- keterangan : hasil akhir dari 100% TPS sampel

Hasil Quick Count Pilgub Jateng 2013 – Jaringan Survei Indonesia (JSI)
1. Hadi Prabowo - Don Murdono (HP-Don) : 20,9%
2. Bibit Waluyo - Sudijono Sastro Atmojo (Bissa) : 32,2%
3. Ganjar Pranowo - Heru Sudjatmiko (Gagah) : 47,3%
--- keterangan : hasil akhir dari 100% TPS sampel

Hasil Quick Count Pilgub Jateng 2013 - Lingkaran Survei Indonesia (LSI)
1. Hadi Prabowo - Don Murdono (HP-Don) : 20,63%
2. Bibit Waluyo - Sudijono Sastro Atmojo (Bissa) : 30,06%
3. Ganjar Pranowo - Heru Sudjatmiko (Gagah) : 49,31%
--- keterangan : total perkembangan 98,75% dari 100% TPS sampel

Demikian hasil akhir quick count Pilgub Jateng 2013 dari 4 lembaga survei. [JJ/Vv/bsb]

Final results Pilgub Java Quick Count 2013
Various organizations held a quick count survey Java gubernatorial election in 2013 has completed the calculations, Sunday (26/5) afternoon. The final results of the survey agencies put Ganjar Pranowo - Heru Sudjatmiko as Java gubernatorial election winner with the acquisition of more than 40 percent.

Here is the end result of a complete data Jabar 2013 gubernatorial election quick count of 4 survey agency (Indo Barometer, SMRC, JSI and LSI):

Pilgub Java Quick Count Results 2013 - Indo Barometer
1. Hadi Prabowo - Don Murdono (HP-Don): 21.2%
2. Waluyo seeds - Sudijono Sastro Atmojo (Bissa): 31.6%
3. Ganjar Pranowo - Heru Sudjatmiko (Gallant): 47.2%
--- Description: final results of a 100% sample of polling stations

Central Java Governor Election Results 2013 Quick Count - Saifulmujani Research and Consulting (SMRC)
1. Hadi Prabowo - Don Murdono (HP-Don): 19.92%
2. Waluyo seeds - Sudijono Sastro Atmojo (Bissa): 30.2%
3. Ganjar Pranowo - Heru Sudjatmiko (Gallant): 48.7%
--- Description: final results of a 100% sample of polling stations

Pilgub Java Quick Count Results 2013 - the Indonesian Survey Network (JSI)
1. Hadi Prabowo - Don Murdono (HP-Don): 20.9%
2. Waluyo seeds - Sudijono Sastro Atmojo (Bissa): 32.2%
3. Ganjar Pranowo - Heru Sudjatmiko (Gallant): 47.3%
--- Description: final results of a 100% sample of polling stations

Pilgub Java Quick Count Results 2013 - the Indonesian Survey Circle (LSI)
1. Hadi Prabowo - Don Murdono (HP-Don): 20.63%
2. Waluyo seeds - Sudijono Sastro Atmojo (Bissa): 30.06%
3. Ganjar Pranowo - Heru Sudjatmiko (Gallant): 49.31%
--- Caption: 98.75% of the total development of the 100% TPS samples

Thus the end result of the quick count Java gubernatorial election of 2013 from 4 pollsters. [JJ / Vv / bsb]


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